Henri Lefebvre - he Urban Revolution (2003).jpg Rozmiar 27 KB
Originally published in 1970, The Urban Revolution marked Henri Lefebvre's first sustained critique of urban society, a work in which he pioneered the use of semiotic, structuralist, and poststructuralist methodologies in analyzing the development of the urban environment. Although it is widely considered a foundational book in contemporary thinking about the city, The Urban Revolution has never been translated into English-until now. This first English edition, deftly translated by Robert Bononno, makes available to a broad audience Lefebvre's sophisticated insights into the urban dimensions of modern life.
Lefebvre begins with the premise that the total urbanization of society is an inevitable process that demands of its critics new interpretive and perceptual approaches that recognize the urban as a complex field of inquiry. Dismissive of cold, modernist visions of the city, particularly those embodied by rationalist architects and urban planners like Le Corbusier, Lefebvre instead articulates the lived experiences of individual inhabitants of the city. In contrast to the ideology of urbanism and its reliance on commodification and bureaucratization-the capitalist logic of market and state-Lefebvre conceives of an urban utopia characterized by self-determination, individual creativity, and authentic social relationships.
A lie has no legs - kłamstwo nie ma nóg. (kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi). (kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi) Do kraju tego, gdzie kruszynę chleba /Podnoszą z ziemi przez uszanowanie Dla darów Nieba. . . Tęskno mi, Panie. . . Do kraju tego, gdzie winą jest duża Popsować gniazdo na gruszy bocanie, Bo wszystkim służą. . . Tęskno mi, Panie. . . Cyprian Norwid (1821 - 1883) Aby zło zatriumfowało, wystarczy, by dobry człowiek niczego nie robił. Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Esteta to człowiek pozbawiony wszelkiej wolności odbioru i sądu. Ferro ignique - żelazem i ogniem (ogniem i mieczem); taktyka podboju i palenia ziemi.