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Augusto Pinochet was the most important Third World dictator of the Cold War, and perhaps the most ruthless. In The Dictator’s Shadow, United Nations Ambassador Heraldo Munoz takes advantage of his unmatched set of perspectives—as a former revolutionary who fought the Pinochet regime, as a respected scholar, and as a diplomat—to tell what this extraordinary figure meant to Chile, the United States, and the world. Pinochet’s American backers saw his regime as a bulwark against Communism; his nation was a testing ground for U.S.-inspired economic theories. Countries desiring World Bank support were told to emulate Pinochet’s free-market policies, and Chile’s government pension even inspired President George W. Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security. The other baggage—the assassinations, tortures, people thrown out of airplanes, mass murders of political prisoners—was simply the price to be paid for building a modern state. But the questions raised by Pinochet’s rule still remain: Are such dictators somehow necessary?
Horrifying but also inspiring, The Dictator’s Shadow is a unique tale of how geopolitical rivalries can profoundly affect everyday life.
A lie has no legs - kłamstwo nie ma nóg. (kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi). (kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi) Do kraju tego, gdzie kruszynę chleba /Podnoszą z ziemi przez uszanowanie Dla darów Nieba. . . Tęskno mi, Panie. . . Do kraju tego, gdzie winą jest duża Popsować gniazdo na gruszy bocanie, Bo wszystkim służą. . . Tęskno mi, Panie. . . Cyprian Norwid (1821 - 1883) Aby zło zatriumfowało, wystarczy, by dobry człowiek niczego nie robił. Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Esteta to człowiek pozbawiony wszelkiej wolności odbioru i sądu. Ferro ignique - żelazem i ogniem (ogniem i mieczem); taktyka podboju i palenia ziemi.