Olugbenga Adesida.jpg
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Does Africa have a future? What are the visions, hopes, ambitions and fears of young Africans for the future of the world, the continent, their nation, and their communities? How do they envision this world and their roles within it? These issues have not previously been explored collectively by Africans because of the enormous challenges and the preoccupation with the present. But Africa must not allow the enormity of the problems to blind it to its past and future. Africa must chart its own vision of a desirable future, and therefore young Africans, born just before or after independence, were challenged to reflect on the future of the continent. This book presents the response to that challenge. In this book, the voices of a new generation of Africa are heard exploring the future from personal and diverse perspectives. The authors have enumerated the ills of Africa, analyzed the problems and explored the opportunities. Remarkably, despite the daunting nature of the challenges, they were all hopeful about the future. They provided their visions of the future, suggest numerous ideas on how to build a new Africa, and implored Africans to take responsibility for the transformation of the continent. Given the current emphasis on African renaissance and union, the ideas presented here could become the basis for a truly shared vision for the continent.
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A lie has no legs - kłamstwo nie ma nóg. (kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi). (kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi) Do kraju tego, gdzie kruszynę chleba /Podnoszą z ziemi przez uszanowanie Dla darów Nieba. . . Tęskno mi, Panie. . . Do kraju tego, gdzie winą jest duża Popsować gniazdo na gruszy bocanie, Bo wszystkim służą. . . Tęskno mi, Panie. . . Cyprian Norwid (1821 - 1883) Aby zło zatriumfowało, wystarczy, by dobry człowiek niczego nie robił. Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Esteta to człowiek pozbawiony wszelkiej wolności odbioru i sądu. Ferro ignique - żelazem i ogniem (ogniem i mieczem); taktyka podboju i palenia ziemi.